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Jeffrey Wibisono V. is now in charge as the General Manager of Java Lotus Hotel in Jember Regency, East Java, Indonesia

Hospitality Consultant Indonesia in Bali Jeffrey Wibisono V. namakubrandku Telu Learning Consulting Writer Copywriter

Jeffrey Wibisono V. is a seasoned hospitality professional with over three decades of international experience. Renowned for his dedication, hard work, and innovative approach, he has established himself as a leading figure in the hospitality industry, blending visionary leadership with human-centric branding and digital adaptation.

Born and raised in Indonesia, Jeffrey began his humble career as a Shop Attendant at Gramedia Bookstore in Malang in 1984. His life philosophy, “Urip iku kudu ngati-ati lan ngati-ngati” (Life must be lived with care and mindfulness), laid the foundation for his success. He progressed from a multitasking Front Office Staff to Chief Bar & Restaurant at Hotel Santika Semarang, where his remarkable talent in sales and management became evident. These skills propelled him to strategic roles in several prestigious hotels.

Jeffrey has spearheaded numerous major projects, including the rebranding and grand openings of properties like Sparks Jakarta and Villa Mahapala Sanur. As the General Manager of Java Lotus Hotel Jember, he successfully revitalized the business post-COVID-19. His guiding principle, “Sing gedhe iku ora kudu dhuwur; sing cilik ora kudu cendhek” (What is great doesn’t always need to be tall; what is small doesn’t always need to be short), reflects his humility and commitment to delivering impactful results for his teams and properties.

As the founder of Telu Hospitality Learning & Consulting, Jeffrey shares his expertise and local wisdom through the lens of the n-JAWA-ni philosophy. With messages like “Ngluruk tanpa bala, menang tanpa ngasorake” (March without an army, win without belittling others), he bridges traditional Javanese values with modern leadership principles. Through this platform, he inspires younger generations to achieve success in the hospitality industry by integrating local heritage with a global outlook.

Jeffrey’s dedication extends beyond his professional life into community service. Currently serving as the President of Lions Club Jember Argopuro for the 2024-2025 term, he leads with a mission to create meaningful positive change in society. An accomplished author, his book, Hotelier Stories: Catatan Edan Penuh Teladan, has inspired countless young professionals and regional talents alike.

Guided by his core belief, “Nandur sing becik, bakal ngundhuh sing apik” (Plant what is good, and you will harvest what is good), Jeffrey Wibisono V. continues to be a role model in the hospitality world. He exemplifies that true success lies in inspiring others, serving the community, and creating lasting impact for future generations.

Jember, December 6, 2024


Areas of Expertise

Hotel Sales and Marketing, Branding Strategies, Business Development, Project Management, Digital Marketing, KPI Tracking, Pre- Opening Operations, Team Leadership, Staff Training.

Professional Experience

Telu – Consulting and Learning in Hospitality Industry from  November 2018  up to to date as a Consultant, Learning Designer, and Founder.                                           

At work, Jeffrey equips organizations with fully customized brand activation and digital marketing training solutions which have been instrumental for accelerating business goals.

  • Vice President, TRSid, July 2019 to Present: Reinforce key concepts regarding best practices and implementation strategies with acquisition merchants and clients, including DEE-Fi, deeats, and maxxbrides. Craft highly engaging training modules for topics including Sales and Marketing, Customer Service, and Digital Marketing.
  • Digital Marketing Consultant and Branding Mentor, Digimakz, October 2020 to Present: Equip organizations with fully customized brand activation and digital marketing training solutions, which have been instrumental in accelerating business goals.

Please learn more information in regards to my career at www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreywibisono


  • Author of a non-fiction book, titled Hotelier Stories Catatan Edan Penuh Teladan. Self Publishing in December 2016
  • Social Media IG @namakubrandku ; @akumotivationalinspirator ; @akudigitalmarketer ; @tokonya_oom_jeff,
  • Facebook @Jeffrey Wibisono V., Facebook Fanpage @namakubrandku
  • Twitter @jeffwibisono



Hospitality Learning and Consulting in Real Life Situation Customized Modules

Boutique Hotel Concepting and Operating

– Brand Activation (Hotel Sales & Marketing)

Mentorship with artotelgroup in Jakarta


Jeffrey Wibisono V. adalah seorang profesional perhotelan dengan pengalaman internasional yang luas dan karier yang melampaui tiga dekade. Dikenal karena dedikasi, kerja keras, dan inovasi, ia menjadi salah satu tokoh terkemuka di industri perhotelan, memadukan kepemimpinan yang penuh visi dengan pendekatan branding yang humanis dan adaptasi digital.

Lahir dan besar di Indonesia, Jeffrey memulai perjalanan kariernya dengan rendah hati sebagai Shop Attendant di Toko Buku Gramedia di Malang pada tahun 1984. Filosofi hidupnya, “Urip iku kudu ngati-ati lan ngati-ngati” (Hidup itu harus hati-hati dan penuh perhatian), menjadi landasan awal kesuksesannya. Ia mengembangkan kariernya dari Multi-tasking Front Office Staff hingga menjadi Chief Bar & Restaurant di Hotel Santika Semarang. Dari sana, ia membuktikan bakat luar biasa dalam penjualan dan manajemen, yang membawanya ke peran-peran strategis di berbagai hotel ternama.

Jeffrey telah memimpin berbagai proyek besar, seperti rebranding dan pembukaan hotel baru, termasuk Sparks Jakarta dan Villa Mahapala Sanur. Sebagai General Manager di Java Lotus Hotel Jember, ia berhasil merevitalisasi bisnis hotel pasca-COVID-19. Prinsipnya, “Sing gedhe iku ora kudu dhuwur; sing cilik ora kudu cendhek” (Yang besar tidak harus tinggi; yang kecil tidak harus pendek), selalu memandu langkahnya untuk tetap rendah hati sambil memberikan hasil yang besar bagi tim dan properti yang ia kelola.

Sebagai pendiri Telu Hospitality Learning & Consulting, Jeffrey berbagi pengalaman dan kearifan lokal. Dengan pendekatan filosofi n-JAWA-ni, ia menyampaikan pesan seperti “Ngluruk tanpa bala, menang tanpa ngasorake” (Berjuang tanpa pasukan, menang tanpa merendahkan), yang relevan dengan nilai-nilai kepemimpinan modern. Melalui platform ini, ia telah menginspirasi generasi muda untuk meraih sukses di industri perhotelan dengan menggabungkan kearifan lokal dan perspektif global.

Dedikasinya juga terlihat dalam keterlibatan komunitas. Kini, ia menjabat sebagai Presiden Lions Club Jember Argopuro periode 2024 – 2025, memimpin dengan visi misi pengabdian menciptakan perubahan positif di masyarakat. Jeffrey juga seorang penulis berbakat dengan karya terkenalnya, Hotelier Stories: Catatan Edan Penuh Teladan, yang menjadi inspirasi bagi banyak anak dareah dan profesional.

Dengan prinsip hidupnya, “Nandur sing becik, bakal ngundhuh sing apik” (Menanam yang baik, akan memanen yang baik), Jeffrey Wibisono V. terus menjadi panutan di dunia perhotelan, membuktikan bahwa sukses sejati adalah ketika seseorang mampu menginspirasi, melayani, dan membawa perubahan bagi banyak orang.


  • General Manager of pre-opening  boutique hotels & resorts mid-tier and Villa
  • Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing Hotel Division in Bali
  • Digital Marketing and Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast
  • Leadership and teamwork
  • Planning, Budgeting and Administration skill

Jasa Konsultan Hotel, Hospitality Industry Consultant Indonesia in Malang, East Java, Mentorship Conceptual Operations Boutique Hotel, Writer and Trainer

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